10k PP Standard, First taiko 200pp play, Big CTB Chokes, tournaments, and more!

osu! Progress log 1

Hello and welcome to my first of many osu! progress logs on my website! If you don't know already osu! is a Free-To-Play rhythm game that features 4 gamemodes and its something I have been playng for over 5 years now.

This is progress from mid-late September to early October.


Aim Cup Shenanigans

Aim Cup is the biggest relax osu! tournament. Many top aim/relax players join and it the format usually changes sometimes and this time it was 2v2 situation. A friend of mine Ludo invited me and I ended up also inviting a very good Pennsylvanian player Zigzy to join as well.

We decided on the team name "Fuck Relax".

Our first match

We went up against the team :emoji_44:.

Aim Cup 2024 team page

It was a close match and we managed to get to TB but sadly we still lost. Maybe if I practiced the TB more (rather than waiting to practice the map pool day of) maybe it would have at least have been closer.

MP Link


Now we are in losers bracket :c but we managed to get too lucky for too long.

Our next 3 matches

Our next 3 matches all ended in a forfit.

Team madocoin and decaeoncy4 were the scariest since they had very good top players that would have absolutely destroyed us.

Luckily team madocoin never showed up (I assume they fell asleep) and decaeoncy4 could not show up either.

Our last match

Team Türkiyeeee was also a pretty scary team since they were also very skilled.

Luckily we did manage to get one point but it was because one of their teammates game crashed too late into the map. I think we could have gotten at least one more point since early on in the match some of the scores were close but it is what it is. I had a pretty good time overall and my teammates were amazing. I am glad its over as well since now I can go back to focusing on other gamemodes and improvement for now.


I haven't farmed PP in awhile on standard due to just not caring but I decided to do some and I managed to get a lot of scores.

New top play!

During that session I managed to set my new top play in only a few tries (592 PP!)

This was also my first time setting a top play on osu! lazer which was very nice to see.

Non of the other plays were really anything that crazy tbh so anything marked in red is what I farmed (ignore the date yes it took me too long than it should have to write this)

I think I could set a 600 on either Uta, Freedom Dive metal dimensions, or maybe something else with Doubletime but I really don't want it to be something boring.

Scores I am currently going for

There is quite a few maps I really wanna go for an FC on.

Starting off with something that will take me awhile to FC is the original Freedom dive by Nakagawa-Kanon. I currently do not have the stamina for it but if I push speed/stamina for a few weeks or months I think it could become doable. I will probably get it with no mod but I would like to get a hidden fc over that.

7 Misses may not seem that bad but the accuracy is horrible.

Next is an even older one being Sakura Kagetsu by Kharl ranked in April, 2008! I already have over 164 retries on this and im trying to go for a DTHR fc with it.

5 miss is pretty good considering how RNG this precision hell map is but I really do not like that 94% accuracy but I should be able to get much higher on a good run. If I decide not to go for any other 8 star maps this could very well end up being my first 8* fc which would make me very happy.

Next is a banger ICDD map by VINXIS, Tinu rareta Syuren Ni Fukeru Homura, that somehow has no nomod FCs?

The acc on this score isnt the greatest but I believe I can do better on an actual FC run.

That's it for now maybe I will also go for a DT FC on Billy Boogie or maybe some Kirby Mix maps but I am not too worried about it.

61,000,000,000 Ranked score

Since daily challenges have been added I have been playing everyday and at least setting one score which means I have been gaining ranked score pretty quickly. It took me awhile to even realize I passed it.

Catch The Beat

I am very happy with my progress for CTB recently. Did the usual SS/Score farming (I even SS farm on mobile) but I did manage to set some pretty nice scores.

400 & 300 PP chokes

I know this is an extremely huge farm map and all but I am pretty happy with this considerin I was struggling to pass this just weeks before this score. I will try at somepoint to obtain an FC on this but I really don't feel like farming this as it puts me to sleep. Crazy that I almost skipped 300 on ctb lmao.

A banger and another farm map. This is my second 300pp choke the other being on sak + wellow - #curtaincall [#overdose] which is a play I am also very proud of.

And with those plays it put me into the top 3,000 players in CTB!

I did manage to set a lot more 200pp plays but that is about it for ctb


I am not very good at Taiko so I was mostly focusing on either slight SS farming or improvement.

I managed to set 2 of my first 4* FC's and not only that a 200pp play!

First 4* FC


First 200pp play

Second 4* FC

Ending notes or ending or something i dont know

If you want to see recent progress or just as it happens you can follow me on BlueSky or Mastodon.

Next progress log I plan to get back into mania and derust. I also wanna work on improving on DT and HD for CTB just so I am not a nomod only player. I will also work on improving in Taiko. I also want to play in more tournaments for standard but for now I will work on setting scores and farming SS's.

Current all mode rank